Clumsy, messy, and everything that is far from perfect, but when the pieces of this python skull came together in a winter night of 2018, my life started to come together and turn to a new chapter.
Never knew this little puzzle in my hand could bring such a huge change to my life. It was the first, it has been and will always be the icon of my passion.
It was a mess, a horrible nightmare to me back then. Clueless about which went where, I tried googling but not much luck of finding a good detailed real life pictured instruction, so I had to depend on those simple images from Google and my childhood Lego skill. (totally worth it! :D)  
The result came out not too bad (in my opinion at that time). Nowadays skulls like this wouldn't pass my quality control
I loved it so much that I used the image of it as my Logo. See this one on the corner? 

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